Saturday, May 21, 2011

Korean Muslim Quarter

Since we are going to Saudi Arabia, we decided to go and get the black Abaya that I will need to wear. Saudi is one of the strictest (most religious) countries in the world. In Saudi, all women must wear the full black covering over their clothes and a head scarf. Muslim women cover everything except for their eyes. While this is hot and can be seen as being impractical, I completely understand why women their wear these.

In the past, Saudis were nomadic people. As they moved, the various tribes would raid opposing tribes and steal the beautiful women. In order to prevent this, they made all their women cover up. This help protect their family members.

One more reason that women wear the abaya is for modesty. It prevents dressing in inappropriate clothes as well as by helping our brothers flee temptation. Thus, the abaya is in full effect. In countries around the world many Muslims, Christians, and Jewish women still cover up their heads and try to dress really conservatively. Saudi Arabia has just enacted stricter rules than most countries.

Thus, I am at peace with having to wear an abaya. despite the inconvenience. At least we can wear nice and light clothes underneath.

Well, so back to the point. . . since I need an abaya for Saudi Arabia, Chris and I went to the Muslim Quarter in search of one. While we were there we visited the only mosque in Korea plus several shops, bakeries and stores. While we were there Chris bought some Turkish delight as well. For those of you who don't know what it is, it is a jelly fruit candy that is dipped in powdered sugar. He wanted to try it, because it is mentioned several times in the book The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

The location of the mosque is in Itaewon, and we have been near it many times, but this was the first time we went there.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

To Saudi Arabia

So we are moving to Saudi Arabia!

I know that it isn't the ideal move for most people, but it is something that we have been thinking about doing since before we even got married.

Saudi Arabia is located smack in the middle of the world, and is one of the world's wealthiest countries, because it is where all of our oil comes from. Yet, it is also the most conservative Islamic country in the world.

In going there, we will have to adjust to a new lifestyle, and I will be required to wear a full muslim headcovering, and be accompanied by Chris at all times. While this may be annoying, it will definetly be a great experience.

We will be teaching freshman English at King Faisal University in Al Hofuf, Saudi Arabia.

Besides just going there for adventure, we are also going there in order to save up money and become debt free. We started Dave Ramsey's Financial peace program a little over a year ago, and we have made a ton of progress. Yet, by going to Saudi we will be making more than $2,000 extra per month. Thus, we are really excited about how that will affect our debt snowball.

So anyways, I am including some videos that were made by teachers at the school that we will be at.

This is what our apartment will look like:

These are some of the male students. Only Chis will teach males, I will teach women.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Children's Day

Each year, there is a Korean holiday to celebrate children. Children's day is actually a national holiday, so there is no work or school. It was in the middle of the week this year so, Chris and I enjoyed being able to get out and explore lots of places. W walked all over Seoul, but it was really fun!