Saturday, October 31, 2009


For halloween this year, we decided to put a lot of time and energy into making the students have fun. I was snow white, and my co-teacher was a witch. It was really a ton of fun, and I laughed a lot. Here are some pictures . . .

Me dressed up as the witch
A dwarf and the wicked witch
Our lesson
Me with some of the kids
This boy was about to get turned into a frog . . . he was scared!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cheusok Holiday

Cheusok is the Korean Thanksgiving holiday. During this holiday people traditionally go home with gifts and make a huge meal, and bow down to their relatives. Yet, many Christian Korean families don't do this. My friend Jade is one such Korean. So for Chuesok family she helped us plan a trip to Gyeongi-do. There we had fun relaxing, cooking out, and playing paintball. Chris loves paintball, so this was definitely the trip for him.

Me in a rice patty field

Chris and I beside a tank near the North Korean border

Chris playing on the tank

Our group after playing paintball!

Bunkers near the North/South Korean border

Korean military guarding the DMZ

Jade and Me
Shauna by the river

Song (Jade's daughter) and Me

Chris and by a dam in Gyeongi-do

A bridge that people were bungee jumping off of

Dyeong, Song and Me being silly


Getting ready to go paintball

Dyeong, Jade, and Song eating lunch

Saturday, October 3, 2009


We were able to go on a trip outside of Seoul to Jeonju, Korea. Jeonju is about 3 hours south of Seoul. It is a town that has a huge folk village, and is famous for its bebimbap. On our trip we got to make bebimpap, stay in a folk house, make hanji (korean paper) fans, and dress up in traditional Korean clothes (hanboks). It was really a great trip!

A squash growing outside one of the houses in Jeonju.

Ben and me eating a traditional Korean style meal

The city of Jeonju

My finished Hanji Fan

Chris making a Hanji Fan

Eric, Cianti, Me, and Chris in traditional clothes.

Miriam and Chris in a Hanbok

Chris getting dressed up

Eating Bebimbap with Eric and Cianti

Our finished product!
Eric preparing the food

Food to use to make bebimbap

These are some of the rooms that we slept in.